If you have been arrested for a Crime in Georgia
You need an experienced Criminal Defense attorney. Glen Albright is available to discuss your case anytime – including after-hours and weekends! Call or text me at 678-232-4282, or email at [email protected].
I am an aggressive Defense attorney who will stand by your side and go above and beyond for you. I offer free case evaluations to clients to assess the circumstance and begin building a strong case strategy. My firm can fight to preserve your freedom and give you the defense you need to win your case.
The District Attorney must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. And you are always innocent until proven guilty. In many cases the evidence used to convict a person is found because of statements they make to the police. Always remember you have the right to remain silent. When you have an encounter with law enforcement always remember you are being recorded. Even the most innocent of statements can be used against you. No matter how much the police tell you that they are your friend and they are willing to help you, do not believe it. Their only purpose is to gather evidence. Don’t let yourself be bullied. Ask for an attorney immediately. Ask for a lawyer and keep your mouth shut. Remember “nobody who never said anything ever hurt his case”.